
Attended Diabetic Foot Awareness for Beauty and Wellness Therapists webinar workshop, November 2020
All excellent but especially the observation & discussion of foot photos. It has given me more confidence in spotting the difference between fungal infections & micro vascular damage. Also I would feel more confident in my communication with client & when to refer or not to! Also brilliant for giving me confidence in spotting other problems relating to diabetes, like signs of ulcer formation.
As Diabetes is a huge growing problem, understanding & awareness of this disease is vital. I think the more therapists & people that recognise changes in the feet related to Diabetes, the more we can help relieve the burden on the nhs & us all as tax payers but ultimately & most importantly, to save someone’s foot/feet & avoid amputation avoids so much distress, these are life changing issues for that individual!
Maureen Morgan Reynolds
Self employed holistic therapist

Attended Ankle Brachial Pressure Index (ABPI) Assessment webinar workshop, October 2020
The videos were great. I had no clue about toe pressures. Just need to practice in clinic now. Great learning about peroneal pulses too. Found it very beneficial thank you.
Katherine Buchanan
Advanced Podiatrist, Western Health and Social Care Trust

Attended Ankle Brachial Pressure Index (ABPI) Assessment webinar workshop, October 2020
All aspects were useful to me, whether refreshing existing knowledge or new learning. It really helped my confidence in reassuring me that I do have the knowledge base and rationale, I just need the opportunity to practice the skills. I would thoroughly recommend to colleagues. It is a well planned and well executed course. Value for money. Thank you.
Louise Fullerton
Podiatrist, Care UK

Attended Diabetic Foot Awareness for Beauty and Wellness Therapists webinar workshop, October 2020
This workshop was well presented and easy to understand as it was set towards non medical people. Thoroughly enjoyed it. I think this workshop is a must for anyone who treats people's feet.
Louise Evans
Holistic Therapist

Attended Insulin Awareness/Update & Injection Technique webinar workshop, September 2020
I really enjoyed the training and felt both presenters were knowledgeable and explained all aspects in detail. I found it useful that we were able to ask questions and that the training was not limited due to current restrictions i.e. the fact that it was conducted by zoom did not detract at all from the quality of the training. Thank you I will recommend this training to my colleagues.
Registered Nurse (for a residential and home care provider)

Attended Diabetic Foot Awareness for Beauty and Wellness Therapists webinar workshop, August 2020
Heartily recommend it! I learned a lot of foot related signs I did not previously realise are often associated with diabetes and some practical ways to deal with them, and how to recognise when the client needs more urgent medical help than might have seemed obvious.
It was a really powerful, practical workshop. I realised how much I didn't know on this aspect of diabetes, so it will be hugely valuable to both my husband and some of my clients. Huge thanks to Duet Diabetes!
Jen Tiller
The Breathing Coach, Founder of Healerzone Academy and community

Attended Diabetic Foot Awareness for Beauty and Wellness Therapists webinar workshop, August 2020
I found them very informal and a relax manner and all information about foot care for diabetes was covered to the highest standard.
Tracey Campbell
Foot Care Coordinator, Sutherland Care Forum Foot Care Services

July 2020 (sent to Gemma, one of the DUET diabetes trainers)
...lovely to meet Lynn...you're both doing a great job and very professional - we are really happy to be associated with Duet 😃
Rasmita Bedi
Podiatrist and Owner, Billericay Podiatry Surgery

A range of workshops
I would like to say what an excellent and experienced service I received from DUET diabetes, as a training manager it is a relief to receive a service that is not only efficient and organised but also knowledgeable and professional. Without the support from Duet diabetes the home I was working in would not have received a good rating from CQC as the diabetic care plans were one of their main focuses.
I also worked with DUET diabetes to train senior staff to a very high standard, the home I was working in fronted the pilot scheme for senior staff to administer insulin within the residential care setting.
Without the training and ongoing support, we may not have been able to have made the pilot the success that it was.
I would absolutely use DUET diabetes as a training provider again.
Rebecca Alcock
Trainer and Care Manager, Suffolk

Diabetes Awareness and Diabetic Foot Screening workshops, February 2020
Duet diabetes offered to support me training HCAs in the basics of diabetes, enabling them to undertake a diabetes review including a foot check. I worked with Lynne planning a whole day to cover both topics, dates; timings and venue were all flexible to meet my needs.
It was a great day, very informative, pitched at just the right level with interesting, enthusiastic presenters.
It enabled 12 HCAs to go away inspired with confidence and a competence certificate to start the reviews straight away.
I can certainly recommend Lynne and Duet diabetes for your Diabetes training needs if you want a flexible, friendly, comprehensive approach.
Nicky Jones
Suffolk Primary Care Nurse Development Lead

Attended Diabetes Update for Registered Nurses workshop, November 2019
Good participation and interaction. Covered pertinent areas. Excellent organisation and great speaker. Excellent handout package - makes a big difference. it was all really useful and I really learned and refreshed knowledge. This was excellent - thank you.
Practice Nurse
East Suffolk

Attended Diabetic Foot Screening workshop, June 2019
I have come away with 4 actions regarding a lady I support which I feel will improve quality of life with supporting her and her diabetes.
Lorraine Woor
Service Manager, United Response

Attended Diabetic Foot Screening workshop, June 2019
I found the whole workshop incredibly beneficial. I feel that I know exactly what I am looking for. The case studies put it into context / perspective. Thank you so much!
Amelia East
Head of Care, Stowcare Ltd.

Attended Diabetic Foot Screening workshop, June 2019
Having completed training with the CCG, although knowledgeable and interesting, didn't cover enough details to become a trainer within my organisation. Duet Diabetes was very thorough and explained in more detail what needed to be looked at. I found all of the workshop useful, being able to assess feet and be able to improve the care given to residents.
Liz Metcalf
Carer (& 'diabetes champion'): Furze Hill House Care Home

Attended Diabetic Foot Screening workshop, June 2019
This course was far more in depth than any previous course which I have done. I really feel that I have learnt something which I can now put into practice.
Caroline Else
Team Leader (& 'diabetes champion'): Furze Hill House Care Home

Attended Diabetes Update for Registered Nurses workshop, May 2019
This workshop has improved my knowledge and skills in managing / caring for someone with diabetes. In particular the knowledge of drugs/insulins appropriate to need, fantastic.
Nikki Boughen
Practice Nurse: Eye Surgery

Attended Diabetes Update for Registered Nurses workshop, May 2019
This workshop was a very useful update & increase confidence. I will be able to discuss & explain more to patients.
Gill Wells
Practice Nurse: High Street Surgery, Lowestoft

Attended Diabetic Foot Screening workshop, December 2018
Excellent workshop; very good information pack, slides, very interactive; hand on experience; Helen very approachable, able to ask questions. Was brilliant. The work shop was so important for my work, as I am currently in training. It has equipped me with the knowledge and a practical tool necessary for diabetic foot screening.
Maureen McCarthy
Practice Nurse: Angel Hill Surgery

Attended Diabetic Foot Screening workshop, November 2018
I found the workshop very useful. The facilitator explained things fully covering the topic comprehensively but with useful handouts to make notes and for reminders after the workshop. The hands on part I found most beneficial being able to practice the skills just learnt.
Emily Bristow
Treatment Room Nurse: Sheringham Medical Practice

Attended Diabetic Foot Screening workshop, October 2018
I feel this confirms what I thought I knew, excellent and interactive, Thank you.
Sharleen Blundell
Lead Nurse / Nurse Prescriber / Research Nurse: The Nelson Medical Practice, Norfolk

Attended Diabetic Foot Screening workshop, July 2018
Teaching was brilliant - mixture of discussion, examination as well as overhead. Fantastic - small and friendly.
Mary Moran
Practice Nurse: Alexandra & Crestview Surgeries, Norfolk

Attended Diabetes Update for Registered Nurses workshop
All areas covered were very relevant to my practice.
Practice Nurse

Attended Diabetic Foot Screening workshop, April 2018
All of it very useful and has increased my confidence greatly. Was a perfect amount of time for content, interaction encouraged.
Shelley Birnie
Practice Nurse: Victoria Surgery, Bury St Edmunds

Attended Diabetes Awareness Training workshop
Knowledge of tutor was exceptional, have a better understanding of diabetes and it's effects. Friendly, welcoming atmosphere and easy to find location. No hesitations of recommending DUET diabetes to other organisations.
Deborah Rudling
Training Manager, Clece Care Services

Attended Diabetes Awareness, Blood Glucose Monitoring and Glucometer Training, and Insulin Awareness & Injection Technique workshops
My colleagues and myself thoroughly enjoyed the training. Helen made the training so interesting and gave the information in an understandable manner to meet everyone’s learning needs. It was probably one of the most enjoyable training sessions I have undertaken in quite some time, please say a big thank you to Helen from all of us.
Alison Hawkins
Training Team Leader, Christies Care Ltd

Staff attended Diabetes Awareness Training workshop
Just to thank you for your time in training our staff in Diabetes awareness. All that attended the course not only walked away with more knowledge had also a better understanding in the subject. All those who attended the course also said how much they had enjoyed the presentation and delivery of the course.
Lorraine Gordon-Jones
Care Manager, Time2Care (BSE) Ltd

Attended Glucometer Training workshop and Insulin Awareness & Injection Technique workshops
I felt that the training was extremely useful, very helpful. Good trainer!! Very well spoken and clear to understand.
Support Worker

Attended Diabetes Awareness Training workshop
Being able to discuss issues in an accepting environment without being told “WRONG!” Excellent presentation – we are all inspired!
Trudi Glass
Deputy Manager Woodfield Court, Suffolk

Attended Diabetes Update for Registered Nurses
It was all very helpful – I learnt a lot.
Registered General Nurse
Nursing Home in Suffolk

Attended Diabetic Foot Screening Workshop December 2017
'i found it very useful, I am not medically trained but I found the information very easy to understand with clear explanations using terminology that made sense. This is something we can train to our carers to hopefully catch anything developing with our clients early. I think the session was well planned and thought out, presented very well and I really enjoyed learning the information'.
Sarah Hostler, Training Coordinator
Christies Care Ltd

Attended Diabetic Foot Screening workshop December 2017
'well organised, interactive, practical, 5 stars. Given at a good pace, very supportive to everyone - lots of really valuable up to date information. Thank you'
Kathy Chan. National Trainer
Westminster Homecare

Attended Diabetes Awareness, Glucometer training, and Insulin Awareness & Injection Technique workshops
all extremely useful. Lots learnt to take back and make positive changes
Clinical Manager
Care Home, Suffolk

Attended Diabetes Awareness Training workshop
Information useful and has made me more aware of the signs to look for with diabetics.
Team Leader
Residential Care Home in Suffolk