Terms and Conditions for Supply of Services
Please read these terms and conditions carefully. By booking any of our services, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.
“We / our / us / DUET diabetes” – means DUET diabetes Limited; a company registered in England and Wales, Registration No. 10687394 at Cardinals Cottage, Mill Green, Horseheath, Cambridgeshire, CB21 4QZ.
“Organiser” – means the contact within the organisation making the ‘in house’, ‘open workshop’ or 'virtual training' booking with DUET diabetes (whether for themselves or on behalf their colleagues).Or means the person making an individual booking.
“Love Your Feet Ltd” – covers the organisation also known as ‘Love Your Feet Training’ and ‘LYFCPD’.
Key details
Please read these terms and conditions carefully. By booking any of our services, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.
This policy is updated from time to time. This policy was reviewed and updated September 2023.
If you have any questions about this policy or the data we store about you, you can contact us via
Email: info@duetdiabetes.co.uk
Post: DUET diabetes Ltd, Cardinals Cottage, Mill Green, Horseheath, Cambridgeshire, CB21 4QZ
Telephone: 01799 584178
If you have a concern about how we handle your data, or you would like to lodge a complaint, you may do so by contacting the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) website https://ico.org.uk/
DUET diabetes undertakes to:
Engage with the organiser to determine their needs and work with them to offer a relevant workshop/programme/service.
Deliver the agreed service to meet the needs and desired outcomes previously determined.
Provide all relevant resources and course materials (i.e. handbooks) and a certificate of attendance (subsequent to final invoice being paid).
Provide a flyer/information for use by the organiser, if required, to share with potential attendees.
Provide necessary technical equipment (i.e. projector, screen etc.), unless to be made available by the organiser.
Follow procedures to ensure that all personal data is controlled and processed in line with The Data Protection Act (2018), the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) and The Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR). More information on how DUET diabetes protects and makes use of the information provided can be found in the company’s “Data Protection & Privacy Policy” (a copy of which can be provided on request or accessed via the website duetdiabetes.co.uk).
DUET diabetes does not:
Provide person specific advice.
Allow filming or recording of any of the educational or training sessions unless with prior written consent from DUET diabetes.
Allow “observers” or non-staff members (of the organisation commissioning the service) to be present at any of the educational or training sessions without prior written consent from DUET diabetes.
Share data collected during the workshops with third parties without the prior permission of the organiser from the commissioning organisation (please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information). All data collected during the workshops remains the property of DUET diabetes.
The organiser undertakes to:
Liaise with DUET diabetes to determine an appropriate workshop/programme/service to meet their needs, and subsequently identify a mutually suitable date and timings for the service to be provided.
Obtain all necessary consents which may be required before the commencement of the booked service.
For in house workshops, arrange the venue (unless otherwise agreed) and refreshments for attendees – the training room should be quiet and undisturbed, and be an adequate size for the number of people attending.
Ensure that those attending the workshop/educational session are not on duty and that they remain for the entire length of the session.
Communicate with potential attendees to provide them with relevant information concerning the workshop/educational session.
Inform DUET diabetes of extra attendees participating in the workshop/educational session in advance.
Ensure that the trainer can have access to the training room one hour before the workshop/educational session is due to commence (in order to set up).
Ensure invoices are paid promptly, as laid out in the prices/payment terms section below.
Ensure that all copyrighted materials belonging to DUET diabetes are not duplicated without prior permission.
In relation to Glucometer training:
DUET diabetes does not accept responsibility for the quality of the devices used for blood glucose monitoring (by carer or patient). DUET diabetes advises that all devices must meet current ISO standards and that they are calibrated and maintained accordingly.
DUET diabetes will base glucometer training around the device most relevant to the setting and agreed with the organiser (due to the number of glucometers on the market).
DUET diabetes does not recommend any particular brand of glucometer.
In relation to Insulin Awareness and Injection Technique:
DUET diabetes does not recommend any particular type or brand of insulin
DUET diabetes does not provide individual competency assessments; It is the responsibility of the organisation to liaise with their local community nursing team to organise assessment of competency for staff.
In relation to our ‘Hands on Feet’ Portfolio Online Training (mini modules):
This service is provided via the Love Your Feet (Ltd) training platform (https://lyf-training.mykajabi.com/); which we are not responsible for nor have any control over how the information you share is handled. Please refer to their Terms and Conditions and Data Protection & Privacy Policy.
The content of the mini modules is current at the date of production and every effort is made to incorporate any updates in a timely manner.
In relation to our ‘Diabetes Foot Awareness for Beauty & Wellness Therapists’ online course:
This service is provided via the Louella Belle Training Academy online platform (https://www.louellabelle.academy/).
which we are not responsible for nor have any control over how the information you share is handled. Please refer to their Terms and Conditions and Data Protection & Privacy Policy.
The content of the course is current at the date of production and every effort is made to incorporate any updates in a timely manner.
Prices/payment terms
In house workshops (at your place of work):
DUET diabetes offers a personal and bespoke service in line with the individual requirements of each setting. An individual quote is therefore provided for each service commissioned. Unless otherwise stated, workshops accommodate a maximum of 12 attendees. Extra attendees will incur an additional cost as set out in the booking form and service agreement. A quote is valid for 14 days from date of the communication/booking form.
The prices quoted cover the delivery of the workshop(s) and include course materials and “certificates of attendance/competency” (upon receipt of balance of payment) and are subject to VAT.
Travel costs for the trainer(s) are included, unless otherwise discussed and agreed in writing or specified on the booking form and/or the service agreement.
If accommodation is required for the trainer, this will be discussed and added to the total price for the service.
An external venue can be arranged by DUET diabetes for an additional cost.
A 50% deposit (of the total agreed price) is required to secure the booking and confirm the date for the service to be provided.
Invoice terms for the deposit are 14 days from the date of invoice, unless otherwise stated (i.e. if the agreed training date is within 14 days of the invoice).
Invoice terms for the balance of payment are 30 days from the date of invoice, unless otherwise stated. DUET diabetes reserves the right to charge interest at the rate of 10% per month (or part thereof) on all accounts not settled within 30 days of the date of the invoice.
All payments to be made by electronic transfer (BACS) unless otherwise agreed, in advance, with DUET diabetes.
Open and virtual workshops
The prices quoted cover the delivery of the workshop(s) and include course materials and “certificates of attendance/competency”, and are subject to VAT.
Payment in advance is required to secure the place(s) booked for a specific open workshop date.
Payment for open or virtual workshop can be made using one of the following options:
Via BACS – by contacting DUET diabetes to request an invoice [Invoice terms are 30 days from the date of invoice, unless otherwise stated (i.e. if the agreed training date is within 14 days of the invoice)]
Via credit/debit card - on the ticketing platform* used for a specific workshop (a link will be provided by DUET diabetes)
Via credit/debit card – link sent from DUET diabetes to pay through our payment provider*
*Please refer to third party organisations’ Terms and Conditions and Data Protection & Privacy Policies – DUET diabetes Ltd has no control of websites outside the duetdiabetes.co.uk domain.
‘Diabetes Foot Awareness for Beauty & Wellness Therapists’ online course - payment via the Louella Belle Training Academy*.
Please refer to the Louella Belle Training Academy Terms and Conditions found on their online training platform https://www.louellabelle.academy/
‘Hands on Feet’ Portfolio Online Training (mini modules) - payment via the Love Your Feet CDP Academy*.
Please refer to the Love Your Feet Ltd Terms and Conditions found on their online training platform https://lyf-training.mykajabi.com/
Cancellation and postponement charges
Service cancellation/postponement, in writing, by the organiser becomes liable for the following charges:
In house workshops
Cancellation/postponement circumstances
Cancellation by the organiser more than 28 days in advance
Cancellation by the organiser 14-28 days before the workshop
Cancellation by the organiser within 14 days of the workshop
Cancellation by the organiser within 7 days of the workshop
Cancellation by DUET diabetes
DUET diabetes reserves the right to cancel the workshop/educational session if the facilities are found to be inadequate
Charges incurred
No charge and deposit refunded
25% of the service costs; half the deposit refunded
50% of the service costs; deposit not refunded
75% of the service costs; deposit not refunded and invoice issued for an additional 25% of the total cost
All monies already paid will be refunded unless agreement is made between the organiser and DUET diabetes to retain them to re-schedule the date or to cover a future event
100% of the service costs; deposit not refunded and invoice issued for full balance of payment
Cancellation charges will include any travel and accommodation costs already paid where a refund of those costs cannot be obtained
Postponement by the organiser will incur charges as for a cancellation, unless re-scheduling occurs to a date within 4 months of the original workshop date.
Open and virtual workshops:
Cancellation/postponement circumstances
Cancellation by the organiser more than 28 days in advance
Cancellation by the organiser 14-28 days before the workshop
Cancellation by the organiser within 14 days of the workshop
Cancellation by the organiser within 7 days of the workshop
Cancellation by DUET diabetes (i.e. if insufficient numbers are
booked and paid for)
Charges incurred
No charge and payment refunded
25% of the workshop cost
50% of the workshop cost
75% of the workshop cost
All monies already paid will be refunded unless agreement is made between the organiser and DUET diabetes to retain them to cover a future workshop
Postponement by the organiser will incur charges as for a cancellation, unless re-scheduling occurs to a date within 4 months of the original workshop date.
‘Diabetes Foot Awareness for Beauty & Wellness Therapists’ online course
Please refer to the Louella Belle Training Academy Terms and Conditions found on their online training platform https://www.louellabelle.academy/
‘Hands on Feet’ Portfolio Online Training (mini modules)
Please refer to the Love Your Feet Ltd Terms and Conditions found on their online training platform https://lyf-training.mykajabi.com/
DUET diabetes reserves the right to revise and amend these terms and conditions from time to time. The organiser will be subject to the Terms and Conditions in force at the time that the service was booked, unless any change is required to be made by law or governmental authority, or if DUET diabetes notifies the organiser of the change before sending the Service Agreement (in which case DUET diabetes will assume that that the organiser has accepted the change to the Terms and Conditions unless the organiser notifies DUET diabetes to the contrary within seven working days of receipt of the Service Agreement).
Ref: ALR2019016v6