Hypo Awareness Week: 30 September - 6 October 2019
All year round we encourage care providers to improve the understanding of hypoglycaemic events amongst staff, families as well as the people they look after living with diabetes. By making the training they provide inclusive, fun and informative care providers can potentially improve awareness; perhaps resulting in the avoidance or reduction of hypos, or recognising and dealing with a hypo more confidently.
As well as spreading the word, we finished the week by running a Diabetes Awareness workshop for a group of support workers from an organisation which supports autistic adults.
There was lots of engagement and discussion. Participation in the interactive sessions was great, in particular the hypo and food related sessions! Thank you to the group for such positive feedback which demonstrated how useful they found the morning. Helping care and health organisations to make a positive difference to adults living with diabetes is at the forefront of everything we do!