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Coronavirus (COVID-19) & diabetes
Please find below a list of resources which we will endeavour to keep updated as and when additional information is forthcoming.
Key messages:
Updated 19 June 2020
People living with diabetes are advised to be "particularly stringent" in following social distancing advice in full. Information on the current guidance regarding 'staying alert and safe (social distancing) for everyone in England, can be found here.
* Guidance is changing and currently differs in England compared with Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The link above provides further links to guidance for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
A working group of specialist diabetes nurses which provides a wide range of resources and training programmes for qualified and unqualified practitioners.
The TREND-UK sick-day rules leaflets for type 1 and 2 diabetes have been revised in response to the coronavirus outbreak.
Type 1 diabetes: what to do when you are ill
Type 2 diabetes: what to do when you are ill
More information regarding ‘sick day rules’ for people living with diabetes who become unwell with coronavirus is available via the following links (from the London Clinical Networks and shared by Dr Partha Kar):
Sick day rules Type 2 diabetes and coronavirus -
Sick day rules Type 1 diabetes (multiple daily injections) and coronavirus -
Sick day rules Type 1 diabetes (on an insulin pump) and coronavirus -
Leicester Diabetes Centre (LDC)
The LDC have created a wide range of resources including videos, advice, infographics, publications and guidance on different aspects relating to COVID-19 and diabetes - there is a wealth of information for people living with diabetes and healthcare professionals here
You can also keep up to date by following their co-directors on Twitter:
Professor Melanie Davies @profmjdavies
Professor Kamlesh Khunti @kamleshkhunti
Diabetes UK (
The leading diabetes charity in the UK which provides diabetes information and resources for both patients and HCPs, amongst other functions, has published guidance and advice on it's website to help keep people living with diabetes safe.
To find out more visit their coronavirus page (patients) or
their clinical guidance page (HCPs) - includes diabetes management in care homes 'a national stakeholders Covid-19 response group interim guidance'
27 May 2020 - Diabetes UK information shared regarding the NHS England statistics on coronavirus deaths in people with diabetes,
read here
[The papers related to this study can be found here]
Sweet Talking Podcast with Partha Kar
Professor Partha Kar is the National Specialty Advisor for Diabetes at NHS England
Partha's 'Sweet Talking' diabetes related podcasts can be accessed at
His recent podcasts have focused on COVID-19:
Needs of the Many - in times of COVID-19, a message for those with diabetes- and all HCPs working to try and tackle it
The Maze of Info - trying to make sense of all the information around Diabetes and COVID-19 is not easy, in these times - a short podcast to hopefully help those living with diabetes.
Data, Diabetes and a Pandemic - a discussion regards the data analysis around deaths in those living with diabetes due to COVID-19
You can also keep up to date by following Partha on Twitter
Diabetes Times
A leading UK digital publisher for healthcare professionals working in diabetes. Visit their website for up to date news, resource library and clinical updates to support the improvement of diabetes care. The fortnightly email newsletters provide a reliable and comprehensive source of diabetes news and information.
Miscellaneous support:
Diabetes 101
@_diabetes101 is a twitter account consisting of a group of healthcare professionals helping to signpost people with diabetes to accredited information and boost morale through fun interactions and challenges!
COVID-19 Health Apps
A leading health apps company has created a COVID-19 App Library so that people can access 'quality digital health at home'. The Organisation for the Review of Care and Health Apps (ORCHA) has created this health and care App Library to help individuals as well the people who care for them (such as carers and healthcare professionals) to find the best and relevant apps to help them manage their condition(s) and keep healthy whilst at home.
Since 2015, ORCHA has assessed apps for the NHS, and health and care bodies across the world, so that everyone can feel confident using those that are the high quality and compliant with relevant standards.
Visit the ORCHA website

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