Founded in 2015, DUET diabetes is dedicated to enhancing the lives of adults living with diabetes by supporting those who treat and/or care for them. Since our inception, we have been committed to continuously improving diabetes care through education and support, providing essential training and resources to carers, nurses, and healthcare support workers.
In July 2020, we recognised the need to expand our work to other areas of care and support. Working with the beauty and wellness sector we now help people who provide foot-related treatments to better understand the 'diabetic foot' and feel confident of when to go ahead with treatments and when to leave alone, along with what advice to give (within their scope of practice). These professionals are an important extra pair of eyes, ears and hands!
Since 2023, DUET diabetes has also collaborated with the Foundation for Diabetes Research in Older People (fDROP) to develop and deliver more effective training sessions.
Alongside the team below, we have a small group of experienced Diabetes Specialist Nurses / Practitioners who work with us to run some of the clinical sessions we offer.

Lynne Reedman (She/Her)
Founder & Service Lead
BSc (Hons)
I had over 13 years of experience working within the pharmaceutical sector covering sales, marketing, training and regulatory responsibilities. My last position was for a leading diabetes company working within Primary Care, which I left in 2014.
My passion has always been education and I have focused my energies on partnering with diabetes teams within the localities where I have worked, to provide high quality educational programmes for health professionals at all levels. My primary aim is to improve outcomes for people living with diabetes which is a complex, long term condition and I believe that an educated and empowered workforce is crucial to achieve this.
For some time I recognised a need for relevant and interactive diabetes training for those working in care homes and this brought me to form DUET diabetes with a local DSN, Helen Stephen. In 2019 Helen decided to leave DUET diabetes, allowing her time to pursue other activities. We are both proud of what we developed and achieved working together over 4 years.
I continue to develop the service; we now help people in social care, health, beauty and wellness roles to upskill and increase their confidence when treating or supporting adults living with diabetes. Together, I believe, we can make a difference to the quality of life of adults living with diabetes!
Towards the end of 2020 I joined the National Advisory Panel on Care Home Diabetes (NAPCHD), a multi-stakeholder initiative led by Professor Alan Sinclair (foundation for Diabetes Research in Older People and Kings College, London). I was also involved in co-authoring the 'interim findings' in relation to this ongoing initiative which has subsequently been published in Diabetic Medicine. I am also a mentor for the Care Quality Network (cqn) and a member of the advisory board for Quic Diabetes Framework.
Over the last few years I have been invited to speak at and take part in various diabetes and care provider related meetings and conferences; both locally and nationally. I was delighted to be a co-judge for the Caring UK Awards 2023.
As well as writing various articles, I have co-authored the following papers:

Karen Lewis (She/Her)
Diabetes Educator (nurse)
RGN, BSc., MSc.
Karen qualified as a Registered General Nurse in 1984 at Ipswich Hospital. During her career Karen has had an interest in the care of patients with chronic disease. Working as a Rheumatology Nurse for seven years and then as a Diabetes Research Nurse for a further eight years. As part of her role she undertook a research study into hypoglycaemia during pregnancy for those living with diabetes.
After successfully completing her Masters Degree in Health Studies in 2007, Karen then took up a career in Health Education, whilst remaining in practice one day a week. Until 2023 Karen worked as a coach on the NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme for four years. She currently also works part time at City College Norwich and West Suffolk College.
Karen has co-authored the following:
Rayner J et al (2025) Training staff to improve the management of diabetes in care homes Nursing Times [online]121: 1.

Gareth Hicks (He/Him)
Gareth qualified as a Podiatrist in 1988. He worked within NHS (Gloucestershire & Shropshire) clinics in both community and hospital settings as well as running private clinics specialising in sports injuries and lower limb mechanics. Gareth now works in the commercial sector running his own consultancy, with diabetes being his main clinical interest and prevention his chief driver.
Gareth has presented on the topic of diabetic foot screening/examinations on over 500 occasions within the NHS and private settings. He has also been invited to conduct presentations in Ireland, Malta, Germany, Czech Republic, but mainly throughout the Gulf region and was once invited to speak at the British Embassy in Riyadh! In the UK he presents to GP groups, Practice Nurses and Health Care Assistants, within GP practices, community clinics and nursing homes.
Gareth has co-authored the following:
“A photographic scale to aid appropriate foot skin care for people with diabetes” published in the Diabetic Foot Journal (2014).
Rayner J et al (2025) Training staff to improve the management of diabetes in care homes Nursing Times [online]121: 1.

Rachel Page (She/Her)
Registered Nutritional Therapist
BSc. (Hons), NTPD, MSc., mBANT, CNHC
Rachel is a registered Nutritional Therapist specialising in type 2 diabetes and weight management. She works with individual clients to help them control their blood sugar levels and achieve a healthy weight for them. Using a combination of nutritional science and health coaching, clients are supported to develop healthy habits and better relationships with food to improve their long-term health.
Rachel graduated with a degree in Nutritional Science from Middlesex University in 2019 and a diploma in Nutritional Therapy Practice in 2020. She is a registered with the British Association for Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine and the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council.
Rachel is the founder of 'Rachel Page Nutrition' based in Royston, Hertfordshire.

Eirini Pizirtzidou (She/Her)
Diabetes Specialist Nurse
RGN, BSc., MSc.
Currently working in Greece as a Diabetes Care and Training Specialist, Eirini graduated in 2013 from Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki, Department of Nursing and completed her Master's Degree in Clinical Diabetes in 2015. She worked in Cambridge University Hospitals for 4 years as a diabetes clinical nurse specialist, covering outpatient diabetes clinics and inpatient service. Eirini also worked as a diabetes specialist nurse within the severe insulin resistance service.
As well as being a DAFNE (Dose Adjustment For Normal Eating) educator and a Mental Health First Aider, Eirini also has an additional qualification in adult education and training from Cambridge Regional College.